I am very much like killdeer. I went from having several plastic boxs to having one side of a double wide garage that now is the bow shop. I am now up to having one wall has about 10 of the big plastic boes with the small draws for just differnet type of arrow fletch, from 4 inch feathers to 5 inch shield, to 5.5 inch banana fletch... then one big box with just blunt points, wood points, screw in points, extra inserts for now usisng carbon arrows, plus one big plastic box for just bow strings, I now have a total of 14 bows, most are from 62 inch long to the smallest is a 52 inch bear. Now the garage does look good, I have everthing now in a place, even 7 big walmart totes for hunting togs. I even bult a arrow rach that holds a total of 60 + doz arrows.I made up bow rachs from 2 x 4 and used old cedar arrow cut down to 5 inchs for each peg to hold the bow in a horz position by the bow string. I even have a bag target to shoot at 10 yards to work on form. I just went thru the feathers and have over 200 4 inch feathers, 300 5 inch feathers and just got in another 300 of the 5.5 banana feathers. This is what occurs becoming a mad person with traditional archery.