I was very surprised to hear that the Steelforce heads you got were not sharp. I have always found that the Silverflames were the sharpest heads you could buy, followed immediately by Steelforce. I have not seen any that wouldn't shave right out of the pack.
Just a suggestion but, I'd call Nick Giannetti at Steelforce and tell him about it. Nick takes great pride in his work, especially the sharpness of his heads. He's a good, honerable business man and I'm sure that he will want them back to inspect himself. I have no doubt that he will replace them for free and probably send you a few extras to make up for the inconvenience.
Here's the phone number- 570 448-2845 He's in the EST time zone. If Nick isn't in, ask for Cathy or Laura. Any of them will be able to rectify the situation quickly.
Anyway like I said, Steelforce heads are always shaving sharp right out of the pack. I'm guessing that you just got a bad pack somehow.