My 30 years in the military took me all over the place. I have lived on the east and west coasts and several central states and Alaska. Joe and Flat have it down. Desert hunting is very difficult in this terrain and if you want to kill impressive deer or elk, this is the palce, but...
you may be drawn only evry couple of years. I used a compound for a few years and was practicing to to go the world championship in Valla Park, Aus but got orders to get ready for the first Gulf war. i did some l-0-n-g distance shooting and killed deer and javelinas past 60 yds consistently. I must say the wheels were fine but actually seeing the arrow again made ARCHery more fun. Last year I closed on a dandy 27-29 inch 4X4 mulie to 60 yards, three different times. Couldn't close the deal as the vegetation was too sparse, but that was a great year for me out here. I go back to MO or KY, sometimes WI every second or so years to fil a tag. If you want to hunt-really hunt, stalk, maneuver and ambush-west is great . if you want to fill the freezer wwithout hassel, stay east. I jsut painted my house and when the market comes back up, we'll sell and travel back east to be closer to our kin-and soem additional hunting.