I live in Haleyville,not too far from you.I'll be at Tannehill this weekend but shoot me a PM sometime.
Here are some questions that might help.
How long is your draw? If you don't know than how tall are you? Some bows are too short for realy long draws.You need to balance bow length with your draw length and your style of hunting.
Were you shooting a compound before and what weight was it? I've known guys that shot 70# compounds that started with a 45# trad bow and it was a little too much to begin with but most folks can handle 45 lbs ok.Sometimes it is better to start with a takedown with two sets of limbs,one light to learn ,and one heavier to hunt.
The best thing would be to shoot a lot of different bows and pick something you realy like,even if you had to save another $100 to get it.You might find something even less that you like more.The important thing is to try something to see if it fits you.
Do you like recurves,longbows,does it matter if the bow has wood or metal riser?