I have used nothing but the tape for years. I don't always dab glue on the ends but I have in the past. Never had a problem, never lost a feather. I do clean the shafts fairly well prior to attaching it with rubbing alcohol or acetone and I make sure that I don't touch the portion of the shaft that the feather will attach to until after the feather is applied.
As soon as you attach your fletch, use your thumb nail and push the tape onto your shaft by running your thumb nail with the direction of the feather. Be careful not to push the feather away from the orientation that your jig created. I think that some of the problems that others have had with fletch tape was because they didn't push the feather onto the shaft after attaching the feather. Some jigs don't allow a full mating surface with the shaft and a small portion of the tape never sticks, jmho.
I use a Bitz jig, others work also.