Let me elaborate on my post. I once had a deer (Doe) walk directly under my tree stand and turned quartering away at 6 steps. It was a very still afternoon and I was hunting with my 52# Sweptwing recurve. Due to the stillness, I only drew about 12" (or about 30#) I released the arrow and it struck the back rib, angling thru the vitals and exited in front of the off shoulder (not a pass thru but exited about 6" past the broadhead). She only ran about 75 yards before piling up.
I was shooting a 2114 aluminum arrow with a 125 grain "scary" sharp Zwickey Black Diamond.
Hope that experience was "first hand" enough. In reading above, I don't ever remember deer hunting "when everything is perfect"...If it were perfect, we would call it Kill'in instead of Hunt'in. IMHO