About six or sevens years back Monty Browning was the speaker for the Montana Bowhunters Association banquet in Bozeman and mentioned how he financed his hunting trips; Trimming trees and "Home Improvement Loans". Luckily, my wife was in attendance and gained a new understanding/perspective of my obsession to hunt. Now when I tell her that I am going on a hunting trip she only asks, with a either smile or sneer (depending on her mood and the cost), if we need a “Home Improvement Loan”. I have found that my hunts never get planned until a date/season and species is set. The dates/season is usually set according to how long I estimate it will take to put the money together, and then NEVER CHANGES regardless of problems encountered. Problems always arise and will give everybody legitimate excuses for not going, but if you want it enough you will find a way. It has been my experience that when the dates/season start changing the hunt never happens. Do your homework, plan the hunt, the make it happen, it’s easier then you think.