I pass shoot geese with regular hunting arrow/ broadhead set ups, just use bright fletching. I have a great set up for this, I can get 6 -12 shots off at geese as they head out to feed in the evening and then sneak into a treestand to hunt deer. I have 3 or 4 willow blinds set up on a fence line just about 50 yards from the shoreline of a large slough. I can get into the blinds without being detected and then just wait for them to fly. After dark or the next morning I retrieve the arrows from the stubble. Since the geese are heading out to feed, decoy's don't offer me much of an advantage. Lots of shooting, not much eating but it is pretty fun. Last year I was able to average 1 per week for Oct. Getting out 4-6 times per week. I was able to get one over decoys after a snow fall, laid in the middle of the decoys under a white tarp. Waited for a large flock to come in, kicked the tarp down, sat up and got 1 at about 15 feet.