I don't know If I can pull off my moose hunt. All this stress is causing my shots to widen. I can make 80% of my shots @ 30 yards.
I don't know if I can pull off my moose hunt on the 31st. Gas is $7 a gallon where I'm going to. And Im going to need at least 35 gallons for my destination. Please help calm me down.
And on top of things, there is this young woman I really wanna buy dinner for, but I don't have the money.
What ya think, should I cancel my once and a lifetime first trad kill for the love of my life or go the distance and get a moose with trad equipment?
I'll find out tomorrow on Sat. the 9th, maybe I'll just say I'll call her or something.
Grr... choices choices. This is the perfect girl for me; Alaskan, a Commercial Pilot, and drop dead gorgeous. I've been dreaming of becoming a Commercial Pilot for years. (I'm a ramper at an airlines atm but I do got my private pilot's license.)
Help me out, give me advise
