Lots of good advise here.
I would say similar things. Don't compromise your passions for anyone. especially a new love interest. you have no idea where its going. this is not to say that you should be rude and unfeeling. i almost gave up my hunting for my first wife. She never understood my love of the outdoors. but from the beginning my second wife understood and respected my desire to be in the wilderness.
You may say to yourself, this guys is telling me to forget about the woman, this guy is divorced, what does he know. and i can respect that. just 4-fletch said. be yourself.
As for bills, i sure know what you mean, but the thing is, if you let this slip, you will always make excuses for money. buckle down, work Over Time, get a second job, take on a side job, scrimp, save, eat cheese sandwiches and drink water for a few lunches, sell something you never use. The gas will be the least expensive part of your trip, i hope.
When you get back, do what the other guys said, make your prospective gal a fantastic moose steak dinner.
By the way, i am 45 years old and always make excuses for money. i hardly go anywhere, although i have three kids, a mortgage, car payments, gas, electric, water, cable, internet, cell phone....goodness, i just depressed myself.
Let us know how is goes. Jack