A friend has been asking me to try bowfishing with him, but I didn't have any bows I wanted to do it with, so I sold my compound, and a Martin Serengetti to finance a new Gamemaster. My plan was that this would be my "hammer bow", one that I could beat up and not get too upset about. Well 2 weeks ago I picked it up, then set it up to fish with. Friday was the first time that I had the opportunity to fish with it, and man! WHAT A BLAST!! I must have shot 60 shots, and only connected 3 times!! I kept saying "man, I SSUUCCKK!" I finally managed to take a carp and 2 suckers, with my buddy taking 2 more suckers.
Sorry about the crappy cell phone pic. My carp weighed 18 lbs on a hand scale. What a blast, I can't wait to go again! Now I understand what all you guys have been talking about!!