Dina, it sure was good to see you and Tom...you both looked great and seemed none the worse for the wear despite your recent trials. Looking forward to seeing ya'll again soon. Appreciate the kind words about our family. Yes, one of the many reasons Don, Jimmy, and I gravitate together is we are all proud to have our kids associate with each other, very similar (high) standards on raising them.
Tell Tom I'll never forget what he said to me as you guys walked out the door...
"You shot good once again JC, you're my hero."
"Tom, I got lucky, but I'm sure glad I'm somebody's hero."
"You are a hero to those boys, and raising them is the single most important thing you'll ever do."
That right there boils it down for all of us fathers, lest we forget in the bustle of raising them.
Bob, Chase had a bad weekend and did not shoot up to his typical level, but never gave up and turned the corner near the end of the shoot. BUT, when he's on, he's definately serious competition for most adults I might add. I'm just happy Connor is excited about anything trad. He's now talking about what animals he might like to hunt...guess I better get another job to pay for three on trips instead of just me!