I would see what your bowyer has too say. I've had 3 bows with bow bolts blow up on me, and I've had 4 survive. 2 of the survivors belong to me and I shoot them alot, I'm taking one to Africa next week, and the other 2 belong to friends who shoot them alot. The biggest thing I see in your photos is that Craig Warren told me after I had my problems to move the bolt as far forward as I could get it, yours is pretty much in the middle. The bow I'm taking to Africa is 66" 61# @ 29" and I've put a few thousand arrows through it and it's still very tight. If yours is loose I would say that there is a problem. If your bowyer is no help contact Craig Warren, he's a great guy with a quality product and will do what he can to help you. Installing the bolt is a complicated process and one small mistake can cause failure, trust me! Craig looked at my photo's and helped me as to what I was doing wrong in the instillation and as far as I'm concerned the bow bolt is the best take-down system out there, provided it's installed in the right handle, properly. That's my 2 cents.