I am in the same boat as you when it comes to the Morrison grip. I have since learned after many purchases through trial and error that the locator grip that Bob has to offer is the only grip that I can get along with. I have fortunately found 1 in my mnay, and i mean many purhcases of Cheyene's and Shawnee's that had the locator style grip. I called Bob about it and he completly agreed that if the locator is the style of grip you need then the others would not work for you. Try a riser from Morrison that has a locator grip and I think you will be pleasantly surprised. I do however prefer the A&H over my Shawnee, it seems to have less handshock and it is a bit quieter. Handshock usually is not a problem but I have since learned of a herniated disc my neck and even the littlest vibration causes discomfort.