Well Andrew, Tom and I just got back from the shoot today. Man we had a great time. We met Tom's friend Steve who is a wheelie bow guy but he also has a nice recurve bow that he brought with him and was learning to shoot. With a little bit more practice and the right arrows he'll be a crack shot.
We met up with fellow Trag Gangers, Scott and Mike and shot 2 of the 3-D courses and the boys shot up the running deer, running rabbit and the pop up ground hogs.
I wanted to shoot the pop up ground hogs and running rabbits before I went over to chrono my Thunder Stick Mag, but when I went over to use the chrono someone put an arrow through the chrono's brain system. Had to be a wheelie bow guy....LOL
Although we did park over by Pete we never ran into him. There were a few guys and gals there shooting traditional bows I didn't recognize any though.
Anyway a good time was had by all of us that went up today.