Here are some basic generalizations.
These are based on changing one thing at a time keeping everything else equal except for the one thing changed.
If you want to increase your penetrating capability.
In no specific order.
#1. Use a heavier arrow.
#2. Increase your arrow's speed.
#3. Choose a broadhead that has less blades and has near a 3 to 1 ratio (make sure it's very sharp).
#4. Increase your arrow's FOC.
#5. Choose an arrow with a smaller diameter.
#6. Utilize a broadhead that matches your helical or off-set of your feathers.
#7. Teflon coat your broadhead and arrow.
Those are just a few that come to mind.
And the easiest and most important aspect that an bowhunter can do to increase his arrow's penetrating to tune your equipment for as near perfect arrow flight as you are personally capable of doing.