Well guys, this is a sort of thread I SHOULD like. It's my pleasure, to present for your admiration, at least, what the present state of the "wishlist" contains :D
Razorhead 1956 and 1978, Deadhead small and big, Wolverine straight and convex, Hunters Head and Slicer, Magnum I, orig. 1975 Razorbak-5, with hood on - and gayly painted - it would fake the Rambo explosive head, the mighty Goshwak, Chuck-It heavy and light. Enjoy!I am hard pressed - to pick only one. I like the Goshawk pretty much, or the Butterfield Brute, or the Ivanhoe - but here I present you a
forged Pearson I would like to have in numbers, so that I would be able to try them out in actual shooting