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Author Topic: Ashby BH - Alaska Bowhunting Supply  (Read 7351 times)

Offline Dr. Ed Ashby

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Re: Ashby BH - Alaska Bowhunting Supply
« Reply #20 on: August 20, 2008, 12:38:00 AM »
Just out of hospital, and not doing all that well, so this will be brief.

Roadkill, I don't make this BH, or any other. Ed Schlief at ABS asked me to help him develop the best screw-mount broadhead I could devise; regardless of the cost; and that's exactly what I did - and for free too. I've no financial connection with this BH whatsoever. Ed asked if I would mind if he named it after me, and I said that it would be okay to do so, just as long as it was up to what I expected from a truly great broadhead - and it is.

I did recommend a slightly longer blade length after testing the prototypes and understand that change is being made on the production model. That was the only change I recommended. It looks like the photo in the catalog is the prototype version, so the final version should be just a bit longer that that shown. The extra length helps with the degree of bone splits created. The final version should split bone bone every bit as well as the 190 Grizzly (if not a bit better), is very easy to get truly sharp and holds that sharpness exceptionally well. On all test shots it remained shaving sharp after penetrating through a buffalo. I also don't think there will be any bending of this head on any animal tissue, of any type, at any shot angle. The steel is great.

The photo doesn't show the ferrule profile well. It is unique, and not only allows deep blade penetration with minimal resistance, it permits the 25 degree bevel to be honed across the ferrule. This ferrule design can't be duplicated in a glue-on version.

As for a glue on 'Ashby style' BH, I've given a lot of input to Todd (at STOS) for their glue-on single-bevel that is under development (that's for free too) and I'm hopeful that they will have an absolutely great glue-on single bevel head out soon.

I used the 190 Grizzly as the benchmark, and tried my best to better that great broadhead's performance by a noticeable degree. I think this BH does that.


Offline WidowEater

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Re: Ashby BH - Alaska Bowhunting Supply
« Reply #21 on: August 20, 2008, 01:04:00 AM »
Glad to hear from you Doc and thank you for your generosity in helping these fine companies make a dynamite head.

These look like a 3:1 screw in ABowyer.  Which is a good thing as far as Im concerned.  Totally bombproof.
Silence over speed.  Heavier arrows never hurt.

Offline pdk25

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Re: Ashby BH - Alaska Bowhunting Supply
« Reply #22 on: August 20, 2008, 02:00:00 AM »
Originally posted by Dr. Ed Ashby:

Roadkill, I don't make this BH, or any other. Ed Schlief at ABS asked me to help him develop the best screw-mount broadhead I could devise; regardless of the cost; and that's exactly what I did - and for free too. I've no financial connection with this BH whatsoever. "

" I've given alot of input to Todd (at STOS) for their glue-on single-bevel that is under development (that's for free too) and I'm hopeful that they will have an absolutely great glue-on single bevel head out soon.

I used the 190 Grizzly as the benchmark, and tried my best to better that great broadhead's performance by a noticeable degree. I think this BH does that.

Very generous of you to give your time and opinion for our benefit.  Much appreciated.

Offline b.glass

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Re: Ashby BH - Alaska Bowhunting Supply
« Reply #23 on: August 20, 2008, 07:56:00 AM »
Thanks Doc, and I hope you get to feeling at least up to par soon. An eagle would be nice!
(My husband golfs).
B.Glass, aka Mom, aka Longbowwoman
Gregory R. Glass Feb. 14th, 1989-April 1st, 2007; Forever 18.
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Mark 5:36 "Don't be afraid, just believe".

Offline James Wrenn

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Re: Ashby BH - Alaska Bowhunting Supply
« Reply #24 on: August 20, 2008, 09:27:00 AM »
You guys must be shooting light weight girly bows.How else can you find arrows stiff enough for a 300gn broadhead?  :D
....Quality deer management means shooting them before they get tough....

Offline Ric O'Shay

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Re: Ashby BH - Alaska Bowhunting Supply
« Reply #25 on: August 20, 2008, 09:33:00 AM »
Dr. Ed - Glad to hear that you are out of the hospital. Sorry that you arn't feeling that well as yet. Prayers that as time goes by you will get back to feeling normal.   :)  

To all - From looking at the design, material and construction it is very evident this is an extremely fine broadhead. My problem lies in justifying the dollars for my hunting.
6 Grizzly Sticks - $89.95
6 Broadheads     - $179.90
Add shipping, fletch, etc. and you've got over $300 invested in 6 arrows. $50 each! How can the average guy that has kids to raise, clothe, feed and put through school justify spending this kind of money for 6 arrows? Put a quiver full of these arrows together and you've just spent you kids inheritance.

I'm happy for those of you that can afford them. I hope you buy all you need and want. But as for me, my old Bear Razorheads, Zwickey, Grizzly heads and cedar shafts that have worked for decades look better all the time and will just have to do.

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Online frassettor

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Re: Ashby BH - Alaska Bowhunting Supply
« Reply #26 on: August 20, 2008, 09:40:00 AM »
How Can I get this catalog  :confused:
"Everything's fine,just fine". Dad

Online Orion

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Re: Ashby BH - Alaska Bowhunting Supply
« Reply #27 on: August 20, 2008, 09:52:00 AM »
Ric:  It is a lot, but given that the combination is near indestructable, six arrows could last an awfully long time for hunting as long as they're not lost.  The thought occurs to me that at $50 an arrow, we're likely to become even more selective in the shots we take. (Perhaps making sure that our arrows have a clean landing spot after they pass through the critter (L0L). I shoot woodies so don't have a dog in this race, but I am looking forward to the new glue on single bevel heads that STOS and Abowyer will be introducing soon.

Offline Bill Turner

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Re: Ashby BH - Alaska Bowhunting Supply
« Reply #28 on: August 20, 2008, 11:11:00 AM »
Last year I took two shots during hunting season, killed one hog and a fat doe. Full pass through and easy recovery. This year I will once again hunt with WW broadheads, the old green Bear Razorheads, or or some 125 grain Magnus heads I've owned for several years. My broadheads are razorsharp and have always performed well for me. The extra money I would spend on the above mentioned heads will be spent on gas for my truck so that I can get to my favorite hunting spot(163 miles one way) and back home again. I'm anxious to see one of these heads in action but I will not be shooting them anytime soon. Good luck to those that do and keep'um sharp. :campfire:

Offline Curveman

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Re: Ashby BH - Alaska Bowhunting Supply
« Reply #29 on: August 20, 2008, 02:52:00 PM »
I've seen too many large size critters go down with selfbows and stone points to be able to care, beyond a certain passing academic interest, in such research that supposedly almost mandates "high end" EXPENSIVE broadheads! It just bothers me on principle. There is a point to be made however if these broadheads actually last longer and therefore become less expensive in the long run. I'd like to know what the profit margin is.
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Offline James Wrenn

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Re: Ashby BH - Alaska Bowhunting Supply
« Reply #30 on: August 20, 2008, 03:54:00 PM »
Well every time I have had to replace a broadhead it was because it was lost, not failure of the broadhead.Just because a broadhead is super tough does not mean I won't loose it when it buries under a patch of canes or the much sucks it up.:)I personally can't carry broadheads I am afraid to shoot so the price rules me out of ever useing them.On a good season hog hunting it is not uncommon for me to go though a half dozen or more arrows.I just can't justify the extra cost when I have no problem with other heads doing the job.Could never shoot a 300gn broadhead anyway unless I used rebar for arrows.  ;)
....Quality deer management means shooting them before they get tough....

Offline Downeast

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Re: Ashby BH - Alaska Bowhunting Supply
« Reply #31 on: August 20, 2008, 04:28:00 PM »
Personally I'm not sold on the 440 stainless.  It's the stuff that most of the cheap knives from China, Japan, Pakistan, etc. are made of.  It's darn near impossible to sharpen, and then doesn't hold it long.  Locally I have a reputation for be able to put a razor edge on almost anything, but that stuff has me stumped.

Offline bm22

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Re: Ashby BH - Alaska Bowhunting Supply
« Reply #32 on: August 20, 2008, 07:06:00 PM »
i buy goltips 5575's at 65.99 a doz. nocks and inserts are free. i am going to natural turkey feathers as soon as i kill a bird, i like the natural water proofing and stiffer feather. so i am looking at 5.50 per arrow without broadhead. that is cheaper than you can make good cedar arrow. if i get some of these broadheads i can tell you i am not going to stump shoot with them or shoot small game. its going to be something big. but i don't stump shoot my grizzly's either.

i besides heads i have bent i have only lost 1 head shooting at a animal in 3 years and that is about 25 or more animals, "deer and pigs" the head i lost was a muzzy phantom and it didn't penetrate the shoulder, i am pretty sure the pig is still alive, have it been a single bevel i am confident it would have spilt the bone and at least got both lungs if not exiting on the other side. the fear of losing a head is really small, i would be far worried about losing the deer. if you find the animal you almost always find the broadhead.

the german kinetics sell like hotcakes and i suspect this head will to. that is if the steel is on par with the GK heads

Offline James Wrenn

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Re: Ashby BH - Alaska Bowhunting Supply
« Reply #33 on: August 20, 2008, 07:19:00 PM »
"if you find the animal you almost always find the broadhead"

Finding the animal has nothing to do with finding the head if you are shooting through them The arrows keep going and are lost in the marsh when you are hunting from the ground.Don't hardly ever lose one deer hunting because I am shooting from a treestand and they just stick in the ground.
....Quality deer management means shooting them before they get tough....

Offline Biggie Hoffman

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Re: Ashby BH - Alaska Bowhunting Supply
« Reply #34 on: August 20, 2008, 07:25:00 PM »
 have it been a single bevel i am confident it would have spilt the bone and at least got both lungs if not exiting on the other side.
C'mon BM you're smarter than that!

That's like saying "if I woulda taken the shot, I woulda hit him perfect"

Unscientific testing done on dry bone with no tissue absorbing the impact doesn't prove much.
BUT, the important thing is that you shoot whatever you have the most confidence in. Just make your own decisons based on your experiences.
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Offline Van/TX

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Re: Ashby BH - Alaska Bowhunting Supply
« Reply #35 on: August 20, 2008, 08:24:00 PM »
The day I spend $30 on a broadhead would someone please just whack me over the head with a 2 X 4 and dispose of the body?  Thanks  :saywhat:  ...Van
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Offline gregg dudley

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Re: Ashby BH - Alaska Bowhunting Supply
« Reply #36 on: August 20, 2008, 08:30:00 PM »
My catalog came today and I was amazed at the cost of ALL broadhead and shaft products contained therein.  I am sure that they are great products, but I am not convinced that I have to have them.  That being said, I  found myself trying to get to $150 worth of things I do need so I could get a free poster.  That one on the cover rocks!    :bigsmyl:  


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Offline bm22

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Re: Ashby BH - Alaska Bowhunting Supply
« Reply #37 on: August 20, 2008, 08:51:00 PM »
lol but you kill everything you shoot at van. it has been a long time, i missed you at chester this year.

i have the shot on video the pig ducked, my shot was slightly high not more than 2 in. on a 150- 200 lb. pig, but he ducked a good 4 or 5 in. the reason i made such a bold statement biggie was the fact i shot 2 pigs of about the same size earlier in the year and shot behind the shoulder and threw the opposite shoulder into the dirt with a magnus stinger, and i shot a doe through both shoulder blades and spine, the head was sticking out the other shoulder. i attribute my lake of penetration on the pig to such a large broadhead in the phantom and not in the pigs arrow proof shoulder. the phantom as a 2 blade isn't that big but when you add the bleeders i think it has more surface area and take more energy to get the same penetration than a big snuffer.

you are correct i don't think i can say scientifically that yes it would have been a different outcome but i can say i would have gotten a lot better penetration , and to say i would have penetrated the shoulder instead of stopping at it wouldn't be that big a step, once you break the shoulder there is nothing but air  and small bit of tissue until you hit the other shoulder.

remember 99% of the traditional archery community doesn't have a 32 in. draw. we can't all shoot a 55 lb bow and a snuffer through anything. some of us need a little extra edge to do the same things you can do with just the huge power stroke you possess.

Offline b.glass

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Re: Ashby BH - Alaska Bowhunting Supply
« Reply #38 on: August 21, 2008, 12:10:00 AM »
James, this "girly" shoots a 47# longbow and 700 gr. arrows using Carbon Express 150 shafts. I have a better choice of spine on arrows to choose from since going to the heavy points.
B.Glass, aka Mom, aka Longbowwoman
Gregory R. Glass Feb. 14th, 1989-April 1st, 2007; Forever 18.
TGMM Family of The Bow
Mark 5:36 "Don't be afraid, just believe".

Offline 6X5

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Re: Ashby BH - Alaska Bowhunting Supply
« Reply #39 on: August 21, 2008, 03:19:00 AM »
This has to be a joke!!!!!! I'll cut my own hands off before I pay anyone $30.00 for a broadhead. Someones nuts!!!!!!!
Robert Johns

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