Take it easy on me now. I got interupted in my report by a bow and arrow emergency.
Seems our bastion of security was being assaulted by the ever subversive beaver tribe.
Vance has been battling these musky rodents for as long as he's been on the ranch. The latest incursion involves a road, the creek and a very agressive dam building program on the part of bucky and family.
Brent and I were the primary shooters as we eased into position near the dam just at sunset.
Brent went left and I went right.
Within moments a dark form appeared, cutting a wide V through the glassy black water... we were losing light fast.
This was happening on Brent's side and soon the dull thump of his bow broke the stillness. In an instant the arrow sliced through the water just above his target.
A loud tail slap and a whoosh and the beaver disappeared. Miss!
A second beaver surfaced and Brent's bow thumped again. Once again a close miss on a moving target in near darkness.
As I eased around a willow bush on the far side of the water a large brown lump appeared on the bank ahead.
The big rodent was quartering to me and I sent a Simmons Interceptor into his shoulder. I must have gotten every vital organ in him. It was over very quickly.
Seconds later the water lay still all around and the darkness closed in on us. It was all over.