I was drifting through the classifieds the other day and saw a trad ganger looking for one of those old "Straight N Arrow" arrow straighteners, well ive had one for about 25 years, havent used it for about 20 so i sent it to him, thought well maybe someone will get some use out of it.
I did not ask for any thing in return, did not expect anything. Got home today and a box was on my door step, return address was from Mr. Lon Scott (Blackhawk). I opened the box and inside was a single arrow and a letter, here is what the letter said:
"Dear Rick
On Saturday, August 16th, the tacoma Sportsman club had their first anual Glen St. Charles 3-D shoot. Mr. St. Charles, who is now 96 years old, is one of my archery heros, along with Fred Bear and Fred Anderson.
I took with me this "Bear" wooden arrow from about 50 years ago and had Glen autograph it for you to thank you for the arrow straightner.
Have a great day and I hope the arrow finds a place in your archery room. Thanks again for your kindness."
Thank you very much Mr. Lon Scott and it already has a spot on the archery room wall.
Man, Trad Gang, do a faver for someone here and you will get it back two fold.