This summer been really working on my form, follow through, shooting less and making each shot count more, still around 100 a night when I can. I practice a lot at the last few minutes of light, cause thats when I have taken most of my deer around here in the evenings, and I use bright flo/chartreuse nocks,fletches, wraps and can really see them,even at plum dark when shooting my deer target. So I tried shooting some arrows with dark orange feathers and nocks that I couldnt see where they were hitting till i went to pull them, so I concentrated real hard on the target and doing everything right. I was set for disapointment, but knew they had all hit the target, thump, so shouldnt be too bad. Too my suprise and delite, all6 were all centerd in the shoulder in about a 4" diameter! I was shooting 20-25 yds back and forth, left to right, and it hit me that this must be what some of the old timers were doing when the talked about shooting at candles in the dark? With our deer season opening Sept. 6th, and I am on vacation the first 10 days, I am really stoked. All the shooting, tuning and conditioning tips I have learned from you all are paying great dividends, and you fine folks deserve as much credit as I do for being ready for the season. I Just wanted to say thanks all, and see if any one else has ever tried this. Sam.