Hi folks. As you know, I have been entertaining offers for the sale of the magazine. It was a tough decision but I feel that I have brought the magazine as far as I can take it. I'm very proud of what we have accomplished in only 3 years. I could never have dreamed that we would be sending copies of my little magazine to over 30 countries. And this would never have been possible without the input and support of all of you so I'd like to say thank you again.
I know just enough about publishing to be dangerous, and when I started I knew nothing. The magazine has grown to a point where it needs to be nurtured, marketed and developed on a full time basis with knowledgeable folks at the helm. After meeting with several corporate publishers, I knew immediately that I would certainly rather turn over my hard work to a smaller scale operation, and hopefully to someone who loves and understands traditional archery and the bowyer craft. I'm happy to report that we have found just such an individual to take over.
His name is Tom Colstad and he is a traditional archer and bowyer from small town Wisconsin. He has experience in newspaper and magazine publishing. After speaking with him on the phone and over the internet the last few months, I felt confident that his vision for the magazine was in line with what our readers have come to expect. After spending the weekend with Tom in person recently, I now KNOW that he has the passion and the experience to take The Bowyer's Journal to the next level.
My ownership of the magazine may have ceased, but my journey with her has not. I will be contributing when I can with articles and helping Tom while we work through the transfer. I ask that you join me in helping him and the magazine by continuing your support and contributions. Help Tom take The Bowyer's Journal to the next level and continue the wonderful growth of the craft we hold so dear. Thank you all.
In the near future, we will be changing phone numbers and addresses and other pertinent info. I ask that you please be patient with us through the transition. Tom had former plans for a hunt out west but he will probably stop by the message board to introduce himself when he returns. Take care and God bless.
Brian Halbleib
The Bowyer's Journal