I have not shot deer but have shot pigs and goats . Generally goats and pigs will cover a fair patch of ground with a double lung shot or a heart shot [ 50 to 100 yards ] . Like you folks say with deer , pigs and goats kick their back legs up and sprint for a bit with a heart muscle shot. Not knowing names of the arteries that come out the top of the heart they tend to pile up faster when the arteries that feed fresh blood are severed which also takes out lungs . Its a differant spot shaped like a issosilies triangle on each beast but when you hit it - a quick trot or a spin around and they are down .
Mind you a mate of mine shot a chital deer behind the shoulder , perfect height - hit it through the back legs , severed the femoral artery . Basically dead on the spot , you cant pick how an individual animal will react - some are just plain determined others give up .