Great info and advice from all of you, there does seem to be a trend in the DLB lung catagory for efficiency with good successes in the heart department as well. i've been looking at alot of Deer anatomy Pic's to really get a feel for where things are, and it does seem to be that the lungs are higher than i would have thought( more up in the rib cage) i feel very confident about my shot placement thanks to alittle bit of study. Again thank you all.
Guru, thanks for the pic's with your story very informative..and maybe those deer have alittle bit of NY in 'em, makes them too tough :D
Batman, Thanks for the advice, i probably wouldnt have thought of waiting that long, i have bright pink fletch (before i had seen eichler) so that should do the trick, ( got sick of losing them in the ivy
) if i can shoot half as good as you, i'll be in business.
Thanks again everyone, you have no idea what a help you have all been.