Like many, I picked up on it down in VA and have used it faithfully since.
Since they claim it will last active for 2 weeks and through one clothes machine washing, I figure once it's dry, it is pretty inert to us people types....
Maybe "Biggie" is kinda "buggy?" Sorry ole boy, the devil made me do that one, Mr. Hoffman!"
I am known to forget, then spray and wear the clothes while damp.. that kinda worries me, but as said, not as much as the freakin diseases from biting/sucking insects!
I use it on my head net, clothes, etc. I find it has nearly no odor or smells like air dried clothes when it's dry. I tend to spraya nd let line dry for a good long day before I put it away.
Compared to other treatments guys hunting with me use, I'm convinced it works on skeeters, ticks, and such..watched em crawl up my pant leg 6" and drop off! Just like the lable! Imagine that!