Consider yourselves a good enough shot that you can truely tell the differance between an equipment problem,and a shooting problem.
Here are a few examples.....
You have a dozen arrows,all identical with 125gr. field points,but 1 arrow has a 145gr. point mistakingly put on.....
You have a dozen cedar arrows spined 50-55# except unknowingly 1 shaft actualy spines 60-65#.....
How consistant is your release????? REALLY????? can you honestly tell if it is the arrow.....Or is it YOU?????
I do not bare shaft my arrows.Personaly I think it's useless and a waste of time.(just MY opinion though)Arrows were made to be shot with feathers on them. I count on my fletching to stabilize my arrows and make them fly as straight as I can shoot them. I use 5 1/2" high shield feathers with an 11 degree helical,I never have a problem with my 2 blade broadheads windplaning.My release is at times inconsistant,and I usualy shoot a mixture of mis-matched arrows.However,as "instictive archers" I believe that the "goal" is not nessecarily "tight groups" but being able to consistantly hit our target(say a pie plate) EVERY time at any range,from 3 yards to 30 yards and anywhere in between.
Ron LaClair said "Instinctive shooting is like throwing a ball,or throwing a stone"
Well not every stone weighs the same,and we don't use the same amount of strength to throw every stone.....but some folks are pretty darn good at hitting what they're looking at with a rock!!!!!
I just think some times we make things more difficult than they need to be.....