Here's a thought that comes from 26 years of working emergency situations as a paramedic. Don't think about what you are seeing. Think about what you need to do. Focus on the job at hand. In EMS that meant tuning out the noise, the chaos, the blood and focusing on airway, breathing, circulation, stop major bleeding, etc. There was a formula for what I had to do. There is a formula for hunting, too. In deer hunting it means ignoring the horns and focusing on that one spot you need to hit. If you can do it on a foam deer or other inanimate target you can do it on the real thing. Nothing about the shot is different provided you have practiced shooting from a position like that which you hunt from (ie: treestand or whatever). Finally, unlike the situation in EMS where there is no choice but to act, in hunting you can always pass on the shot. If you are too shaky or a shot you are comfortable with doesn't present itself let the deer go. It's probably not like you are going to starve if you don't get this particular deer. There's a huge difference between hunting and simple killing. The privilege of seeing a deer like the one in the photos up close is a trophy in itself.