I don't personally use them, but I would try them if I needed new clothes and they were on clearance. My theory is also that they may reduce your scent to a certain extent. Possibly the scent is reduced to the point where deer may think the scent is days old or further away. I think some deer may be more tolerant of this reduced scent than others. Basically I think each scent control step that you take, (using scent free soap before hunting, storing clothes in air tite containers, dressing in the woods, scent-loc clothes, etc.) all contribute a small amount to reducing your scent. With that said, the more paranoid I get about all of this the less enjoyment I have. It gets to the point where I don't go out hunting because I don't have time to take a shower beforehand and I don't want to contaminate all of my clothes and have to spend more time re-washing everything.
My theory about re-activating the carbon is that the heat from the clothes dryer may remove a small amount of the built up stink, but more likely the suits simply keep the scent inside (like rubber boots). From what I can tell, the scent-lok material doesn't breathe very well and it may just contain the scent more than it actually "adsorbs" the scent. I always wonder if Gore-tex or any other raingear would be just as effective. I think the same concept is used in the 'Elimitrax' products.