Do not take this personal:
The ASTM Committee F-23 manuals on protective clothing is a good place to start. They’ve tested the limits of carbon suit technology to know what it can and cannot do.
Here is a running report of the carbon suit scam maintained by T.R. Michels: Here is another article on the carbon suit scam with the test conducted by JA Shivik, Ph.D with search and rescue dogs. Here are Lessons from the U.S. Army CANE Exercises: Here is a good overall article on the subject by a biologist with a Science degree who has worked in the environmental protection field for more than ten years: Here is a follow up article on the subject: This is the Virginia Tech paper on partial desorbed activated carbon between temperatures ranging from 100–649°C which is above 212degrees F: You can also read the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Engineering and Design, Adsorption Design Guide, Design Guide Manual No. DG1110-1-2, which shows that the only method to fully re-activate saturated activated-carbon, you must heat it to approximately 800 °C or 1,472 °F, in a controlled atmosphere of low oxygen concentration to reduce the possibility of combustion.
Here is a little article that touches on the manufacturing of your commercial carbon suit compared to the military unit: The facts go on and on. Bottom line, on this planet, using materials from this planet, and using the laws of science from this planet; it is impossible for your commercial carbon suit to work for you while hunting as you claim. Your carbon suit is fully saturated at time of manufacture, there is no method known to man for your saturated carbon suit to be desorbed, and the only methods known for your saturated carbon suit to be partially desorbed is greater than any temperature reached by any household dryer manufactured. Even if you had access to technical heating equipment to safely bring the temps of your saturated carbon suit above 212degrees F, it is a losing battle as you will have a continual loss in the ability for your suit to be partially desorbed. The highest grade sealed military unit is worthless beyond 1 use, 45 days of being unsealed, or 6 washings. Your commercial suit is worthless the moment it is manufactured.
Daddy Bear