I would like to share a short Arkansas hunting story with you... For the last three years my children and I and a small group of friends and their kids have been utilizing the woods of White Rock WMA on east Fly Gap about a hundred yards or so from the Ozark Highlands Trail head parking as base camp for what has become our annual special youth modern gun deer/bear camp(all us adults use self bows). Every year we have encountered a different group of not so polite day hikers who drive right into the center of our camp and unload several vehicles full of young children (the last time it was 2 x-cab trucks & 2 sedans 6 adults, approx 9 children) dressed in white T-shirts, kaki shorts and blue jeans, Even though the marked trail head parking area is just around the corner less than a few hundred yards away empty of vehicles. We try to point out to them the first weekend in Nov. is the state wide youth Hunting weekend, and during the youth hunt, the only people in the woods with guns are young children the oldest of which may be unattended, and have offered on each occasion to provide free Hunter Orange vests for their protection, to which they respond curtly “We are not hunters so we don’t need them, besides it is illegal to hunt on the Highlands trail.” Well we could all see these people would have none of our assistance and each time we do not engage them in debate on the that fact we were in fact in a WMA funded by the purchase of hunting and fishing licenses & AGFC fines and as valid license holders had right of way, rather each time we let them go on their way and prayed for them, But this last time my 12 year old daughter was standing next to me and asked “why are they always so rude.” and I told her “a lot of people don’t like us because we hunt.” And as we continued our conversation it struck us…Perhaps we can find some common ground between hunters and hikers and extend the hand of friendship and unity as outdoor enthusiasts...any one have any Ideas on a kind and christian way to deal with these people?