I've got an oppurtunity to lets some kids shoot. I'm a memeber of a local Ducks Unlimited chapter. We are having our annual Greenwing Event tommorrow. I'm putting on an Archery Demo for the kids. I got to thinking whats better that watching someone shoot. Shooting yourself-right. So, I went to local archery shop to see if he had a light wieght bow to loan me for the kids. He gave me a recurve, targets, arrows, arm quards, and tabs.(all at the last minute) My hat off to him.
(The Bowsmithe, Inc. out of Dunn, NC)
I plan on getting some ballons to set up on the target to let the kids shoot at. Sense of accomplishment when the kids actually bust a balloon.
I wonder who is going to have more fun-- Me or the Kids!!!
We should have between 60-70 kids. I'm curious as to how many kids that this will be the first time ever shooting archery.