I spent the entire summer scouting and setting up on a nice buck. I have his shed from last year, a heavy 10 pointer with excellent mass. He is old, and has gotten a little smaller this year, but still has very nice tine height. I have patterned his movements and know where he beds ... nearly un-huntable. There is a stand of pines he travels through that is connected on top of a steep thicket coming out of his bedding. Does cross here morning and night.
I have scouted from a distance and spent untold hours preparing for him. My stand has been in place for months. Sunday morning the fog rolled in, the wind was slight and out of the correct direction. I snuck into my stand an hour before first light. I watched a fawn and doe for 20 minutes, electing not to shoot. Then at 7:30, he walked in, on the trail I suspected. He stopped 3 feet short of my shooting lane. He looked up at me, but through me. Turned and paused. I had a small window to shoot, but thought the angle was makeable. I pulled back and shot ... just over his back.
I am struggling to deal with the heart break. I am a hunter and this is part of the deal. But this buck was personal. I did everything right but seal the deal. I should be excited just for the experience, but I am having difficulty getting over the miss. I guess there is a difference between hunting and harvesting.