Well shoot!!! Wish I would have known that about 3 days ago. Just ordered a fresh doz arrows. Those look awsome and think I MUST try some. The wood grain on those look very real. looked at your site badger and they will definatly be a must try next doz I get. Now I have to hood a bunch of arrows so I can talk the little lady into getting more. I can hear it now--"Babe, I am just shooting so well that I keep destroying these new arrows. Dont worry though, I will promise to shoot at different spots this this new doz though"--
The spine on them have a huge range though. What would you recomend to me, I shoot a horne mountain bow, 57 @29 (I pull about 28.5). I currently shoot CX250 cut to 29 with 100gr brass insert and 175gr head at 618gr @ 180fps. Those fly great and would like something no lighter than that but wouldn't really like anything heavier than 690gr.(that still keeps me at 170fps)
Great looking arrows by the way!