I bought the MA before Elk Season from Sipsy River, worked it REAL hard here in the Pac. NW. for 2 weeks and not a Mark to be found. I was so impressed I decided to send them one of my Shrews. I think they both look great and are good representations of IMO a good looking "Dedicated" hunting bow should look like.
Don't get me wrong, as I still have plenty of 9+ "Pretty Hi End" bows on my rack as I love looking at and shooting them too.
When talking to John at Sipsy River he told me the bows were or would be lightly sanded and primered with a special primer to ensure adhession of the film all of the origional stencilling duplicated and put back on and then clear coated [I think 3 coats] John told me that in the rare event someone wanted to restore one of them to 'Origional" that this finish could be sanded off and re-finished.
You should check out his Sponsers post in the Classified sections of T/G. As of now the costs are $100 for 1 piece and $125 for 3 piece bows.
As a note, you might want to "get with him" pretty quick as he told me because of age and family health issues he was going to put the business Up-For-Sale. Keeping in mind John does not do the actual dipping as he is really busy but has another guy from his area doing the actual "Dipping". I'm fairly confident that the dipping part will continue, however best thing to do would be to contact John at Sipsey River.
Forgot to Mention, I live on one coast {God's Country} and Sipsey River is on the other....Well I had my Shrew back in a WEEK TO THE DAY. Great Turn Around Time !!!!
A couple questions from me now.. How do you feel this effected the value of these bows? How many others have dipped or would consider "Dipping" a High End Bow. Hope all of this helped answer some of the questions here on this Tread. Thanks,