I'm not sure I belong in Guru's class, but our camp (3 of us) usually takes a 140 class or better each year. Sometimes 2. We never went 3 for 3 though. These big Ohio whitetails got good noses. Anyhow it sounds like you are on the right track. I would definately switch your shower time to before the hunt though.
First off I wash all my clothes and gear in scent free detergent(scent away) and place it in a plastic scent free tub. All my gear even my safety belt, my underwear,my pack, and the towel I'll be drying off with after my shower. I wear rubber boots only. Lacrosse.
My daily is something like this:
-Wake up and shower
-Get dressed in a light walking layer. Go to truck and drive to hunting site. Spray down everything with Scent Away spray. (I won't use the ones with acorns or earth scent, just the original)Spray boots real good before walking to stand.
-Walk to treestand and check the wind. If wrong then I leave to go to another. If no other available then I don't hunt. It does me no good to hunt if the wind is wrong. I've used the suits and I don't believe they work. Unless you place yourself in a bubble then you will be letting off scent. Playing the wind is crucial.If in my stand and the wind changes, I climb down and leave.
-When I arrive and the wind is good, I climb up the tree.
-Once settled I spray down with scent away again. Then I cool down and get dressed in remainder of clothes(coat,sweeater, etc.). I'll spray down again.
-I try to spray about every hour.
Once I'm done hunting for the day then those clothes are done until washed again.
Again, the wind is your worst enemy and a cheap wind puffer never leaves my pocket. I'm checking it every 15 minutes or so. We can never eliminate scent, just control it the best way possible.
Things I don't use:
-I don't use cover scents liks fox urine or skunk urine. Animals know the scent of urine and relate it to fear. So why would I want to put this out there for them to smell. Only scent away spray.
-I don't use doe-in-heat. I'm sure it works sometimes but I depend on my scouting and stand placement to where I believe the deer are going to be walking. A grunt tube and rattling antlers are the only attractant I use per say.
-If you smoke, quit. No matter how much you shower you can't get the smoke smell off your body. If you chew, don't do it on stand.
Like I said Ken, sounds like your doing alot of the right things but maybe just need a little refining. I'm looking forward to hearing some other tactics as well to refine my own skills. We never stop learning.
All in all I try to keep everything as natural as possible. Remember the deer live here and know what smells belong and what don't. I've seen guys put apple scent on where no apple trees are. Don't make alot of sense does it?
Hope this helps you a bit and good luck.
Remember, play the wind.