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Author Topic: scent controll and big bucks (Atten GURU and other big buck hunters )  (Read 2587 times)

Offline adkmountainken

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i normally take a shower the night before and use apple shampoo, have been doing this for many years now. in the morning brush my teeth, no deorderent and put on the clothes i'm going to hunt in. when i get there i spray fox urine on my boots and spray myself with scent eliminaotor from Wallmart. i try to dress light on my way to the stand and tie my coat/sweater around my waist. once i'm in the stand i use the eliminator again. i know your supposed to play the wind but i do not have enough stands, time and the wind swirls in the ridges. i see MANY deer evry year and sometimes SLAMMERS. my question is can anyone suggest some easy ways to improve scent controll for me? i do not want or believe in the fancy scent free suits so that is out of the question.
  Also for guys who take BIG bucks on a routine basis ( every year, every couple years ) like GURU and others could you please run me through your scent controll stratagy? i know i see deer but it is no coincidence when i see GURU post about the bucks he takes every year, obviosuly he goes the extra mile and i would love to hear how. i get myself in posttion every year to take deer but many on this site take big bucks every year and i would love to see their views.
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Re: scent controll and big bucks (Atten GURU and other big buck hunters )
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2008, 09:53:00 PM »
Hang your clothes behind your mother's wood stove again.....   ;)
I only shoot WOOD arrows... My kid makes them, fast as I can break them!

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Re: scent controll and big bucks (Atten GURU and other big buck hunters )
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2008, 10:26:00 PM »
2 quarts hydrogen peroxide
2 quarts filtered or distilled water
4-8 teaspoons baking soda
12-16 drops green descenting soap
Mix it up and store in a light proof container (old bleach jug works well....just remember to wash and rinse it good first...also, leave the cap slightly ajar for the first few hours to allow for settling then store tightly capped.
I always shower right before hunting. Use the green descenting soap, spray down with soda water solution and dry with a towel that is laundered with my hunting clothes which get a soda rinse before drying. All clothing and boots get sprayed.
Only sure method....use the wind.
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Offline leatherneck

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Re: scent controll and big bucks (Atten GURU and other big buck hunters )
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2008, 11:00:00 PM »

I'm not sure I belong in Guru's class, but our camp (3 of us) usually takes a 140 class or better each year. Sometimes 2. We never went 3 for 3 though. These big Ohio whitetails got good noses. Anyhow it sounds like you are on the right track. I would definately switch your shower time to before the hunt though.

First off I wash all my clothes and gear in scent free detergent(scent away) and place it in a plastic scent free tub. All my gear even my safety belt, my underwear,my pack, and the towel I'll be drying off with after my shower. I wear rubber boots only. Lacrosse.
My daily is something like this:

-Wake up and shower
-Get dressed in a light walking layer. Go to truck and drive to hunting site. Spray down everything with Scent Away spray. (I won't use the ones with acorns or earth scent, just the original)Spray boots real good before walking to stand.
-Walk to treestand and check the wind. If wrong then I leave to go to another. If no other available then I don't hunt. It does me no good to hunt if the wind is wrong. I've used the suits and I don't believe they work. Unless you place yourself in a bubble then you will be letting off scent. Playing the wind is crucial.If in my stand and the wind changes, I climb down and leave.
-When I arrive and the wind is good, I climb up the tree.
-Once settled I spray down with scent away again. Then I cool down and get dressed in remainder of clothes(coat,sweeater, etc.). I'll spray down again.
-I try to spray about every hour.
Once I'm done hunting for the day then those clothes are done until washed again.
Again, the wind is your worst enemy and a cheap wind puffer never leaves my pocket. I'm checking it every 15 minutes or so. We can never eliminate scent, just control it the best way possible.

Things I don't use:
-I don't use cover scents liks fox urine or skunk urine. Animals know the scent of urine and relate it to fear. So why would I want to put this out there for them to smell. Only scent away spray.
-I don't use doe-in-heat. I'm sure it works sometimes but I depend on my scouting and stand placement to where I believe the deer are going to be walking. A grunt tube and rattling antlers are the only attractant I use per say.
-If you smoke, quit. No matter how much you shower you can't get the smoke smell off your body. If you chew, don't do it on stand.

Like I said Ken, sounds like your doing alot of the right things but maybe just need a little refining. I'm looking forward to hearing some other tactics as well to refine my own skills. We never stop learning.
All in all I try to keep everything as natural as possible. Remember the deer live here and know what smells belong and what don't. I've seen guys put apple scent on where no apple trees are. Don't make alot of sense does it?
Hope this helps you a bit and good luck.

Remember, play the wind.

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Re: scent controll and big bucks (Atten GURU and other big buck hunters )
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2008, 12:10:00 AM »
Sounds like you're doin the right things,, Of course having Private Land all to yourself helps "ALOT" huntin the Big Boys,, They Don't Like Huntin Pressure,, But than you already knew that ...

Offline Shaun

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Re: scent controll and big bucks (Atten GURU and other big buck hunters )
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2008, 12:11:00 AM »
I don't believe there are any shortcuts to big bucks. Scent control will not save you if the bruiser is down wind. The fellows I know who shoot big bucks do the following:

Become a very good shot with your bow.

Hunt where there are big bucks.

Hunt hard.

Offline jonsimoneau

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Re: scent controll and big bucks (Atten GURU and other big buck hunters )
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2008, 02:10:00 AM »
Scent control is important, but overall, I still believe the best route is to hang your stands in areas where you have the wind advantage.  All of the scent control methods help to a degree, but the nose on a mature buck is borderline unreal.  I do go through scent control procedures but I try not to rely on them.

Offline adkmountainken

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Re: scent controll and big bucks (Atten GURU and other big buck hunters )
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2008, 04:35:00 AM »
thank you all very much for the replys,
    forgot to mention that i do keep all my clothes in plastic tubs. i know you should play the wind but its darn near impossible in the ridges i hunt and i can only hunt weekends which are limited. my question is if you are in your stand and the wind changes on you do you get down and switch to another stand location?
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Re: scent controll and big bucks (Atten GURU and other big buck hunters )
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2008, 04:43:00 AM »
Yes, I do. Now keep in mind that I give it about 10 minutes to make sure it wasn't just quick switch. But if it switches and maintains a bad wind then I'm gone. It only takes once and the big boys are outa there.

BTW-Jon thats a dandy there! Gotta love those drop tines.
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Offline adkmountainken

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Re: scent controll and big bucks (Atten GURU and other big buck hunters )
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2008, 04:50:00 AM »
trhanks again, i do have the choice of 5 stands today. VERY warm today, going to be tuff hunting but i can't wait!
I go by many names but Daddy is my favorite!
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Re: scent controll and big bucks (Atten GURU and other big buck hunters )
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2008, 04:58:00 AM »
And here I thought I was the only one up this late Ken. Actually I'm working. Pretty warm here today too. Supposed to cool down later this week. Good Luck!!

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Offline Pinelander

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Re: scent controll and big bucks (Atten GURU and other big buck hunters )
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2008, 05:39:00 AM »
I'm not a frequent "trophy taker" Ken, but I do hunt in a trophy deer area and have theories of my own about this subject.

Basically, if the wind isn't right in relation to where we're at and where they're coming from... might as well kiss 'em good-bye, and that's with not even knowing they were there in the first place.

Shooting big bucks has a lot to do with the area hunted. The more bruisers in the area, the more chance of killing one... especially during peak rut.  

Nothing special and nothing we haven't heard already, but we all know that old addage about "first-time stands". There is a logical reason why there is more to it than just magic. Doesn't matter what we do, if we visit the same place too often... it's only a matter of time that most of the deer in that area know about our visits.

There are two things that I believe can be helpful in keeping a stand location from getting too "hot".

1) We must try to keep the immediate area as scent-free of US as possible, being very conscious not to touch anything while GOING IN and OUT. A fresh pair of clean gloves, clean outer clothing, and rubber boots go a long way in this endeavor.

2) The ACCESS route we use to get in and out can make or break it. I think this is one part of the game that is too often overlooked. It can definitely affect the degree in which WE are being "patterned" by THEM. Choosing the best way IN and OUT for each scenario is important.

But for the most part, if you really want the best chance of shooting the best buck in your area... it's a simple strategy but not easy to do. Simply don't hunt that area until the rut is in full-swing.

Offline Biggie Hoffman

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Re: scent controll and big bucks (Atten GURU and other big buck hunters )
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2008, 06:58:00 AM »
I've taken some decent bucks, I'm sitting here looking at 8 P&Y's in my den right now. I've never done anything more than shower and watch the wind.
You cannot mask human scent no matter what the manufacturers of this stuff tell you. For a big buck, or a mature doe for that matter (who will screw up your chance at a bigun more often than the buck himself) there are no "degrees" of human odor. It's there or it's not and if they get downwind of you, they're gonna smell you. Mature whitetails will not tolerate that.

All the stories of wearing this or that and the deer coming in downwind? It's because of the thermal air currents lifting your scent. NOT the majic carbon jacket or the skunk pee you're wearing.

Dave makes another great point. Watch where you walk going in and out!
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Re: scent controll and big bucks (Atten GURU and other big buck hunters )
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2008, 10:42:00 AM »
Shaun summed it up pretty good. All the scent control in the world isn't going to help much if your hunting an area with very low numbers of big bucks  ,like the Adirondacks.Put the most sucessful bowhunters up in the Northwoods and there will be very few P&Y bucks hanging on their walls. I love the hunting expirence the Adirondacks offer, especially a deep woods affair,but tagging a big buck ,or any buck with a bow is a rare  event. On the other hand I hunt Alberta every year and usually get a big buck in a 10 day or less hunt.Also good markmanship is essential.Sooner or later no matter what the wind or where your sittig a shot will come.

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Re: scent controll and big bucks (Atten GURU and other big buck hunters )
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2008, 10:52:00 AM »
Ken have you thought of buy a light weight climbing stand? If the wind isn't in your favor at your choosen stand spot then you can move to were the wind is in your favor and at the very least you can catch a nice nap in a tree. Just a thought...
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Re: scent controll and big bucks (Atten GURU and other big buck hunters )
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2008, 12:41:00 PM »

   I’m not saying that I fit in the “Big Buck” category,, it’s more like a “blind sow that finds an acorn once in awhile”. I have been lucky a few times at being in the right place at the right time.  The wind and your approach to the area are two biggest factors in my book.

   I do believe in scent control as far as:
·   Shower before hunting IF possible.
·   Unscented soap ( Ivory from Wal-mart)
·   Unscented shampoo ( Wal-mart)
·   Arm & Hammer deodorant ( Wal-mart again )
·   Homemade “Scent Killer” (all ingredients from Wal-mart)
·   I wash my outer clothes in baking soda and keep them in a tote/tub and do not put them on until I get to my hunting area and as soon as I come out of the woods they go back into the tote/tub, this container also has a couple of open boxes of baking soda in it.
·   A trapper friend also taught me that my rubber boots DO NOT go into this container! They go into a plastic trash bag with the tops of the boots sticking OUTSIDE the bag. Inclosing them in the tote or bag only permeates everything inside with your foot odor!

The above “scent control” procedures are only SECONDARY. The most important factor is playing the WIND and APPROACH to your hunting area. Approach your area from the direction that you expect the deer to least likely come from even if this route is not the easiest for you to do. I like to use a draw, creek bed or low area to get to the area with less chance of actually being seen going in. I then go up the side of the ridge and set up my stand as close to the downwind side of the area as possible, allowing the wind to take my scent out over or down the draw.
   I know it is not for everyone,, but I take my stand with me and put it up,, most every time I go hunting with a treestand. Even if I’m going to a pre-set stand site, I take my portable set up with me. The only reason I do this is to play the WIND. Wind is notorious around here for changing direction after the first hour or two of sitting in an area especially of a morning. If it changes directions, I change my location accordingly. I may move to the other side of the ridge or just a couple trees over one way or another. I have chosen an area to hunt because of the buck sign or deer movement that I know is there. I do not want to give up after an hour into the hunt and leave to go somewhere else or quit hunting because of a wind change. I stay there and change with the wind if need be, it’s what works for me.

   I’m sorry for the long post and by no means want to imply that this is the way it “has to be done”. You asked for others methods and this one is mine, sometimes it works and sometimes it don’t . Good Luck & Shoot Straight Ken !!
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Offline adkmountainken

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Re: scent controll and big bucks (Atten GURU and other big buck hunters )
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2008, 01:00:00 PM »
again thanks for the info and replies! i guess my biggest thing is i need to play the wind better its just that i hate to get out of a stand and move to another if the wind changes as i do not have many to choose from normaly. i hate to get out of a stand and make noise walking to another. again this is something i'll have to work on as i am a stubborn s.o.b  :banghead:   but i can see how important it really is through this post. ya only have to hit me beside the head twice, i'll catch on. the reason i chose to ask people that make it a habit of killing "big bucks" is that i do see A LOT of deer every year its just that i know and as many have stated big bucks are wary and the few who take them every year or more regular than others no doubt have a system. i am not a trophy hunter but i do want to learn the scent control tactics that trophy hunters/big buck hunters use as no doubt it will help me see more deer. please keep them coming guys, thank you!!
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Re: scent controll and big bucks (Atten GURU and other big buck hunters )
« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2008, 01:02:00 PM »
I've killed alot of mature deer with a bow. Not alot of huge bucks, but a truckload of deer. I break a few "rules" in getting it done.  Scent free laundry for camo then into plastic bags. Only get dressed to hunt when at the woods and out of the truck. Rubber bottom boots ONLY worn in the woods. I do believe that chlorophyll WORKS!!! I use alfalfa supplements. A 4$ investment thats still paying off this 2nd season. Most important hunt the wind..

I set stands or build ground sites using a compass and knowledge of my prevailing winds... That way when I get out of the truck I "know" which stand to sit.

I used to wear a carbon suit but thats a waste of time and money. I won't hesitate to pee out a treestand (or in a scrape for that matter) and I dip snuff and spit like a fiend. I am good at hunting the wind and sitting like a statue. Biggie is correct. Work on hunting the wind and only when its right. Give up a stand that could ruin a chance for the next day or that season.
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Re: scent controll and big bucks (Atten GURU and other big buck hunters )
« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2008, 01:15:00 PM »
Ken...good thread.

I don't know about other states but the wind in PA is always changing.  I dedicated myself to figuring out the wind three years ago and kept data and such then came to the conclusion that unless a guy is up in the trees their is no way to pattern the wind where I hunt...it swirls.  Last night I hunted on the ground in a different location from where I usually go and again I watched that wind feather move consistently in three of the four directions.  Now I just figure that I'll leave it up to the red gods when I am on the ground and just enjoy the ground and whatever the gods decide.
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