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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Anchor Point!!!  (Read 509 times)

Offline leewillis92

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Anchor Point!!!
« on: September 28, 2008, 01:24:00 PM »
Time after time, I can't reach my anchor when looking at a target.  When I have an arrow nocked and just pointing at nothing in particular, I can reach it each time and hold it for 2-3 seconds.  When I even look at the target before I shoot, I let it loose before I reach my anchor and have shots all over the board.  I have been trying to do a double draw (I draw not looking at the target and then again (at the target) and shoot) but after time that doesn't work.  I have my father spotting me when I shoot and he helps me and tells me when I don't do good but even that is failing now.  I have shot at a blank bale, and probably need to do that again, but it still seems to not have any affect when shooting at a specific target.  Advice?  Should I get one of those draw-check clickers?  Thanks a ton, very much appreciated.   -Lee
Hunt Hard. Stay Safe. God Bless.

Offline Ryan Sanpei

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Re: Anchor Point!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2008, 02:50:00 PM »
I've experienced the very same thing.  I'll share with you what helped me.  The first thing I did was I dropped down in bow weight "just to get the feel" of what I wanted to do.  I used the lighter bow to train my mind to help ensure a consistant shot sequence.  The second thing for me was that I needed to ensure that I was engaging my back muscles.  Using my back muscles to "keep the shot strong". Thirdly, I keep two things in mind "hit and hold".  Hit anchor and hold.  I don't like to blind bale for this particular issue.  I like to practice this "hit and hold" at distances 15yds of further. Try this, look at the desired target focus on the desired target.  Go through your normal shot sequece, but don't release the arrow. Hold until you aquire the sight picture and let down. Practice this over and over again. Do everything you would normally do but don't release the arrow.  Train your mind and body to get a feel of the complete shot sequece before your release.  It seems like you are already trying things like this, but now focus on the intended target "make like you want to shoot it", but don't release the arrow.  Once you get a feel for it then you can start to release the arrow.

Remember now this wont help for every shooting stlye, and it will not help everyone.  When I shoot I like to pre aim with my bow arm pointing at the desired target, and I like to hold at anchor, but remember now if you hold at anchor you need to also focus on back tension or else you shot my tend to collapse and it may also affect your release.


Offline BRONZ

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Re: Anchor Point!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2008, 04:16:00 PM »
Target panic.  I've had the same problem with both my compound and recurve.  Luckily, I was able to fix the recurve.
I like the suggestions already given.  Something I like to do:  Formulate a shot sequence like, "Hit and Hold",  "Ready, Anchor, Release", etc.  On the cue that means let the arrow go, have someone else say it.  My two year old daughter is great help.  I say, "Ready" (anchor), "Set" (hold your anchor), and then I when she says "Go", the arrow is on it's way.  Get's you in the habit of being at full draw, aiming at something you WANT to shoot, and not releasing prematurely.  
Next, never think it's just going to go away.  You have to be disciplined in practicing drills that will help with the issue.  Above all, be patient, and remember to enjoy archery.
"He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze."
2 Samuel 22:35

Wheatland Christian Bowhunters--Chairman

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