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Author Topic: Confused - arrow help  (Read 825 times)

Offline wihill

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Confused - arrow help
« on: October 02, 2008, 09:04:00 PM »
I thought I had it all figured out.

I've been having a heck of a time trying to find something for my 50# Mamba to shoot.  Just seemed everything I tried wouldn't fly worth a darn out of it.  I played with .500 spine carbons, everything was tail left (I'm right handed).  Played with a bunch of aluminums, mostly recommendations from other local shooters - everything was flew tail left.

Just on a whim tonight, I unstrung the B50 string I had on it and put on a FF string from my Samick.  Tried again with the .500 spine arrows - way, way left - almost scary to watch them fly at a near 45deg angle.  Frustrated I went back in the garage, and laying on the top shelf in the corner I spyed some of my old Easton Eagle 2117's.  Measured them up, 30" on the nose with a standard insert and 100gr tip.  I figured what the heck, and fired one.


thinking it was a fluke, I shot another.


Can't be - one more.


How on earth is my 50# Mamba shooting an arrow spined for a 60# compound?!  I checked the Easton chart, and it puts it around a .400 spine, so my question to everyone is - is this normal?

Should I move up to a .400 spine carbon for this bow?


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Offline Soilarch

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Re: Confused - arrow help
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2008, 09:12:00 PM »
New here...but my guess is that you can get away with a heavier spine on trad equipment because the hand-release puts a lot more flex in the arrow than a mechanical release.

As to what to do now.  Heck, ignore charts and go buy some 2117s!!  

I keep hearing stuff like: "Its an art, not a science."
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Offline JRY309

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Re: Confused - arrow help
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2008, 09:25:00 PM »
A recurve cut past center will usally take a stiffer spine then a longbow will of the same poundage.I don't go with most charts,I prefer to bareshaft my self to find the proper dynamic spine for my bows.There are too many variables with trad bows.Shoot what is flying good for you,sounds like the .500 spine carbons were alittle weak.The charts are a suggestion they are not carved in stone,forget them.They may work for some,but not work for others.A 2117 spines at .407 at 28",your arrows are 30" so you are shooting a different dynamic spine then the static spine of .407.

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Re: Confused - arrow help
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2008, 08:47:00 AM »
I had a 50# Mamba that loved 2018's--it's a pretty fast bow. If you're "shooting bullets" with the 2117s, why now stick with 'em?

Offline Dozer

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Re: Confused - arrow help
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2008, 09:28:00 AM »
Eastons chart is flat out WRONG for trad bows. They recommended a 2216 for my 55# recurve and it wasn't even close. I needed something more on the lines of a 2016 or a 2018. Here's the link to O.L. Adcock's spine chart. This will really help you out.

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Offline wihill

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Re: Confused - arrow help
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2008, 09:53:00 AM »
I guess I probably will stick with the 2117s for now, but I don't have any of the 2016's.  I'll have to head to the local shop over lunch and see if they have any.  I just don't understand why such a stiff arrow would work for the bow.  I'm a nerd, this one just doesn't make sense to me.

Huntryx, what length were your 2018's?

Dozer, thanks SO much for the link.  It's been bookmarked for future reference.

One things for sure - I really like the weight of them.    :D    They're beating my target up bad.
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