Here's what we are going to do this year to show our appreciation for those that contributed to Trad Gang for the year 2008.....
1st place will win a FREE hog hunt with Ray Hammond. This will be a 3 day hunt wrapped around a weekend....start Friday afternoon, and end Sunday afternoon. If anyone has been following the Hammond hunts, you know how much fun folks are having with Ray and company.
2nd place will be a Ray Hammond knife ....Again, if anyone has been following the knife threads in the knife forum, or the listings on the Sponsors Classifieds, you'll know what beautiful craftsmanship Ray puts into a knife.
3rd place will be a $100 gift certificate to any Trad Gang sponsor. You pic something you want, and Trad Gang will send the sponsor $100 towards your purchase.
If anyone else wants included in the drawing...
Just click here....
Contributor 2008 Info Thanks again for all those that contributed this year, and helping us bring the best of Trad Bowhuting to the World Wide Web.