IMO, Joe, you did good. This guy was coyote bait for sure. Several years ago I watched a young buck get hit while I was on my way to hunt. Hit hard, it kinda ran as its back end went down and that was as far as it was going to go. I pulled over, strung up my LB, went out and put one thru its lungs. I put a tag on it and loaded it up I later found out it was illegal, but the CPO let it go after he saw the trauma and my tag on its leg.
Below are a couple of pics of a doe fawn I shot last year with my .54 TC Renegade. First pic shows a small 1/4" hole in the front of the now swollen foreleg. The second pic shows the back side of the same leg. She came in carrying the leg up high and I decided that would be the one I'd take, as the ML tag is for meat anyway. There's no way to know for sure, but I suspect a .22LR.