The First thing you need to do is figure out exactly how you want you Ghillie suit to look, do you want it to be a one peace or two peace set up. The Ghillie I am building in this one is the jacket for a two peace. The materials I used are listed below but you can play around and come up with your own stuff on some of it.

the next step is to figure out a color scheme, here is a easy chart that Iused to decide on the colors

Once you have that done its time to cut and dye your threads, I use jute twine I found at Wal-mart, works perferct, it's 3 strand so all you have to do is cut it in to 18" peaces, dye it and take it apart to get your threads.

here is what the brown and green threads looked like after being dyed

I used Rit dyes, the green was powder form, the grey/black and the dark brown were both liquid dye. For the green I used around 1/4 package in a gallon of hot water, the black and brown I used a childs medcine syringe and measured out 39.3 ml of liquid dye per gallon of water.

once you have enough thread dyed you can start laying out the neting for the jacket
first I placed the jacket on the ground and spread the neting out on the top of it.

you have to remember to leave enough over lap to cover the front except on the left arm(right arm for left handed shooters) which is left bare so the threads don't get tangled in the string when you shoot.

Once the net was cut I started attaching it by sewing along the back edge of the jacket and then hot glued the rest all of this is done at the knots in the corners of the net squares the image below shows how I did it, red it stitched and blue is glued.