the hot glue is just easier and it is waterproof, but youo could stitch each knot on the netting if you want. As for the spray paint you just mist it, and I guess you could use other colors as well. the booniue hat you leave the front open for your face and just use camo grease paints to cover your face, I used the hood that is rolled up in the collar of my jacket and added a peace of a camo mesh head and face cover I had around, easy to see through and not such a pain to wash off. well guys this is going to be my last post for a while since i am in the process of looking for a house, and won't be able to work on the suit for a while. the pics I posted are basically what it will look like when it is completely finished. sorry about that, I hope I gave you all enough info to build one your self if you want to try it.