Well, I haven't been able to get out hunting much so far, so I didn't "earn a buck" by shooting a doe yet. I went out saturday afternoon on public land and had a doe and a pretty nice(by new jersey standards) 8 pointer come straight at me about 20 minutes before last shooting light. The wind was right, but they came from the wrong direction and crossed my trail. About fifteen yards from me the gets a whiff and gives a hop off of the trail into some cover. The buck keeps going about 5 more steps, stops, smells the ground and hops back. He smell the air and turns broadside. I'm looking through a 1 foot x 1 foot hole in some brush that is surrounding a y- shaped tree with a beautiful shooting lane. The buck tempts me by turning away, but being a good boy I let him pass and hope the doe presents a shot. Didn't happen and they wander off, not spooked too bad. After I leave, I'm thinking this was a pretty good day. Beautiful weather, lots of squirrels playing, got close to a couple of deer. This morning I find out that the 'earn a buck' portion of the season has ended and I could have shot the buck. I'm ready for my lobotomy now.