I've sat 17 times now and have seen deer on exactly 1 hunt,and then only for a second when I spooked them at 35 yards with a suprise sneeze I couldn't stifle.
Worse season I can EVER remember.Other members are seeing and killing deer on the lease.I'm in high travel areas,hardwoods flats dropping acorns like crazy,and a very well used ditch crossing.All my stands are placed according to prevailing wind directions,I take meticulous scent precautions,ect.I have plenty of sign,tracks,rubs,scrapes,ect.Even have trail cam pics at all hours of the day,I just cannot catch a break.
I'm pretty much into a 3 year drought on deer sightings for some reason,and can't figure out if I've changed something,or I'm just having a VERY long streak of bad luck.