[all of the graphics and trajectory numbers are much more a representation than actual measurements but they are in the ball park
the graphics illustrate the aiming points for 10yds (top), 15yds (middle), 25yds (bottom).
the idea of the sights seems to fit hand a glove with instinctive/gap shooting. what the
sight forces on you is the line. if you are holding for a lung shot misses left and right are
worse than missing high and low (within reason). the SRF forces the line. your eye automatically
center your spot to the center of the sight. now you have to adust the range.
look at it this way. a 200 fps arrow drops -5"@10yds, -18"@20yds, -31"@25yds, -43"@30yds. so the sight window
in this case (10yds to 25yds) 15 yds range in the window and -31" of drop. the drop takes care of itself
when you get the range correct. Well and yes it becomes very instinctive after some practice.
Now the hard part to explain is the string "sight" picture. your adaptibility to using a sight depends on
your anchor point, the structure of your face, and the design of the riser. An example would be, if you are
a three under shooter and you have a very very high anchor (like some of the indoor target specialist) you will
have such a narrow gap between your eye and the arrow shaft that there will not be enough clearence for the sight.
you will get arrow interference big time.
another example is an bowhunter (esp some of the old geezers) willanchor with their thumb around the back of
their neck and the anchor point pretty far back on their face. this will move the sight so far to the left there
you will run out of sight screw. well it can go on and on but MOST of us the sight picture is within our visual
My sight picture is:- the string lines up just to the right of the inside line of the riser. because we anchor
pretty high and just a little out side our eye we can not line up the string even with the arrow tip and
wink the tip of the arrow like the olympic shooters do. it is easy to see the string line up with our
perpheral vision while we are lining up the spot in the SRF.
http://sites.google.com/site/stringwalkerbowhunter/srf more tomorrow