Also, from what I understand is that they use Canadian fiberglass which is supposedly less stiff than American made Gordon’s glass.
That is incorrect. Back when Gordon's quit offering clear glass, they did use Armatex (sp?) for a little while (as did almost every other bowyer that didn't have a supply of Gordon's stashed), but went back to Gordon's some time ago.
I've owned a couple of Lee's and shot others, and they are fine bows. My favorite is CM, but I couldn't say one is "better" than the other. Both have been in business for a long, long time (near 40 years for CM), both have thousands and thousands of bows in use, and you don't see a lot of either one in the classifieds--that says a lot for both. You can probably get a custom Lee faster--with one bowyer, CM just can't produce them fast enough--but as stated, CM has more options.
Ask enough people, you'll find folks that love one and don't care for the other, or love both, or don't care for either one. Either one will do the job just fine, either one will hold it's own against any on the market for a smooth draw, forgiveness, durability, etc.
Bottom line, only you can answer the question "which one is better", and you can only answer for yourself.