I'd still rather hunt early AM or late PM, but when things start to get good (early Nov.) I normally put in several all-dayers. Boredom is a factor, but as GR mentioned above with the trans-Atlantic flights, you need to put it into perspective. Me, I'd rather be in the woods in November than anywhere else and I value each and every hour I am allowed to be out there. If I am motivated to hunt, I don't get bored during the mid-day and also might bring a notebook or a good book (I've got one I could recommend!

A handful of my bigger deer have been taken in the mid-day, the best probably being a 150" IA 4x4 taken around noon during the rut in '06. My biggest buck was taken an hour before dark after sitting ALL day in the same stand, and I probably couldn't have accessed the stand undetected by coming in at 3:00 or something. I've taken several others that mimic the above stories--either a mid-day kill or an all-day hunt where the kill happened late.