Man, I can't even see well enough to TRY that, but it is impressive!
I've been learning a lot about sharpening. The most intriguing or convicting is to learn that what might seem a super sharp broadhead "edge" can 'dull' going through a deer and exit less sharp.
In conversations (via email and phone) with Ron (Sharpster) and Ed Ashby, etc., I have to wonder if that is the reason behind so many folks just "accepting" a 2 blade doesn't leave as good a blood trail??? I seldom get good blood trails for 75 yards or more...but the deer dies in 100 or 150!
I know mine are sharp going in, but they're way dull when I find them stuck in teh dirt! There was another thread on some of the harder steel heads being run over alum and still shaving hair! Gads!
Anything to get a better, more durable edge... and according to those here with way more experience than depends both on the type of angle on the sharpening edge...and the quality of the steel. Arrgggg!
Doc Ashby's testing seems to suggest that the softer the steel the easier to sharpen, but the duller it comes out the other side of the deer and the less damage done en route!
Takes "sharp" to a whole nother level of committment! Always neat to learn new stuff and keep striving!