I personally don't have any problem with using a regular trailcam and actually have a couple myself. I will tell you that I was a little hesitant at first, just for the same reasons you probably are. I thought it would make it soooo easy, put a camera on a trail for a couple of weeks or even a month, look at the pictures and see when that big buck is coming in and go sit that spot on his next scheduled visit.
Well, let me tell you, this is my third year of using trailcams now, have gotten thousands of pics of deer, and I am yet to pattern any single deer from it. In fact some of the better bucks, I've only gotten 1 or 2 pics of ever and never have seen those buck in person. And yes those pics were in daylight hours.
Now the newer technology of pics being sent wirelessly to a computer or cell phone as soon as they are taken, I totally agree with you. I feel that is so unethical and would be so easy to abuse, that I think it should be outlawed. I really don't see much difference between those things and the remote control guns with a camera looking through the scope and connected to the internet, for "online hunting".
However, after stating that I do see how these new camera's could help you stay out of your hunting area and not dispersing your scent and bumping deer, etc. That's a great idea, and even yourself stated that as a problem with the regular cameras, but the temptation and human nature to take the easiest route or "cheating" is all too great.
I think these devices will and probably have already started giving hunting a bad name in society. At some point, there has to be a line drawn where "hunting" turns into "shooting/killing", and I feel these cameras have crossed that line.
Sorry for the long post, but just wanted to voice my opinion on the subject.