Of course, then there's a whole 'nother reason for using them! Consider:

I cannot take credit for this photo...it was passed on to me by a friend...
I think this whole back to the stone age thing is well, if its your thing to make it really tough- no treestands, no food plots, no private land, only selfbows, only stone points, only wood arrows...have at it!! More power to you!!!
I just like hunting and shooting stuff, and eating it. I use a traditional bow because its the weapon I am most comfortable with, and can shoot in real world hunting situations better than a compound. If I have wood arrows and stone points, I'll use em. If carbons what's around, that works for me too.
If I had the money, I would PAY someone else to make all my arrows, I'd buy every drop of my gear so I had that much more time to scout and hunt. Cause hunting is where its at for me...with stick and string. If its legal, and meets my ethical standards, I'm gonna use it.
It's legal to bait in SC- I bait over there. It's not legal in Georgia....I don't bait here.