Just two days before deer season last year, this happened to me while putting up a stand. I always use a safety harness, but foolishly I seldom use one for climbing in and out of the stand.
I placed a foot on a limb instead of the step and then grasped a branch with my hand. The limb on which I was standing snapped, causing my entire body weight to shift to the limb in the hand... which also broke.
Yes, it did seem like a long time until I landed hard with my right foot twisting inward. The pain was sharp, but I figured it was not broken after I got to my feet and tried to walk. Luckily, I missed the screw-in steps on the way down. My hands and arms were scratched and bleeding, but nothing too serious.
Next day I could hardly walk on the badly swollen foot. Unfortunately, it was 6 days of ice packs, ibuprofen, and taking it easy before I could do hiking and hunting.
It took several weeks before the foot completely healed.